Refresh Your Resume

4 - Refresh Your Resume

At the risk of ruining my credibility as a professional, I must confess that I hate ironing. If an article of clothing possesses the capacity to wrinkle, I don’t buy it. And on the rare occasions where I do have to drag my sole button-up shirt out of the closet for a work event, I usually just give it a quick refresh in the dryer rather than going through the trouble of pressing it properly.

For years, I treated my resume the same way I treat that shirt. It sat in a folder on my computer, I never opened it unless I was applying for a job, and when I did need it, I would tweak it just enough to match the job posting and call it good enough. 

Recently, though, I decided to buckle down and rewrite my resume from scratch. Just like setting up my screechy old ironing board and whipping those unruly seams and collars into shape, it took some extra effort-- but the end result was worth it.

In an earlier post, I talked about how writing is thinking. It’s not just about cranking out a product; it’s about gaining clarity and purpose for yourself. I certainly found that to be true as I worked through my resume. The process of developing even this short, utilitarian document allowed me to reflect on my strengths and accomplishments and to visualize how I want to use my talents in the future. I’m happy with the final product I developed, but I’m especially grateful for the sense of renewed confidence and energy that resulted from the process.

Revisiting your resume can be worthwhile even if you’re not actively seeking a new job. Recently I met with a client who requested help structuring her resume to reflect the complex roles she played in her current position. In the course of our conversation it became clear she had much more extensive experience than her original resume suggested, and her employer had not formally recognized the significant responsibilities she had taken on during her tenure. After we worked together to develop a fresh document that clearly highlighted her professional contributions, she successfully negotiated with her manager for a well-deserved promotion and raise!

If your resume is a little rumpled and in need of a refresh, stay tuned. In this series of posts, I’ll offer some advice for revamping your resume. And if you’re ready to change things up but want some extra support, contact me to see how I can help!