Keep Your Resume Fresh

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I’m closing this series on resume-writing with a piece of advice that’s easy to understand, but also easy to neglect: Update your resume and resume bank regularly.

Chances are you’re very busy with your current job, and it doesn’t seem like keeping up with your resume is all that important if you’re not actively searching for a new position. Life can change more quickly than you think, though. You never know when a can’t-miss opportunity will arise, or when your personal circumstances will shift and you’ll need to find a different role on the double. As we’ve seen throughout this series, crafting a solid resume takes time and thought. It’s not something you want to rush to complete the night before an application deadline.

Consider, too, that your title and job description aren’t the only items worth updating. Joining organizations, performing community service, and completing major projects are all forms of professional growth. Once you start regularly maintaining your resume, you’ll be surprised how often you have new additions. In fact, even though I revamped mine about a month ago, I had to update it again before publishing these posts!

So, do Future You a favor and set a reminder on your calendar to look over your resume and resume bank once a quarter. It’s much easier to write up your recent professional contributions while they’re fresh on your mind.

Finally, remember that even when your resume is polished and up-to-date, when it’s time to apply for your dream job, you’ll want to run through it again and adjust it to align with the posting. And when you’re done-- bust out that ironing board and starch that collar, because you have a job interview coming soon!